Wednesday 9 September 2015

Mentoring and Coaching

Today myself and the level 4 colleagues had a training session on mentoring and coaching, this training session was very useful as it made myself and my colleagues aware of the skills that are needed to become a good mentor and coach.

This session showed the difference between a mentor and a coach, a mentor is helping someone achieve something and achieving that goal as an individual.

Where as coaching is training someone to learn something.

This session pointed out the skills needed to become a good mentor and coach.

Qualities        It is important to be enthusiastic when you are teaching someone.
                       Having a willingness and time to help others
                       Been approachable is important when you are mentoring someone

Knowledge    The knowledge that I have from the level 3 course including the coursework,                                        programs, and the knowledge of the LTU and environment are all things that I need to                          address with the new level 3 apprentices

Personal        Interpersonal skill are needed when mentoring and coaching the new apprentices, the                            following skills are needed - Empathy, communication (both speaking and listening)
                       calmness, time management and to be positive at all times.

So far I have enjoyed helping the new apprentices fit in with their new role and it's been good getting to know them and I am looking forward to helping them build up their skills and knowledge of E-Learning throughout this year.

Friday 4 September 2015

Week 1

This week was the start of the Level 4 Digital Learning Design Apprenticeship and I am looking forward to what is ahead. I am looking forward to making more e-learning content and making them more interactive and fun than the previous e-Learning packages that I have made.

This year I hope to learn more about animations and how they can be made, because by adding them to the e-learning packages it adds more depth and especially more eye catching to the students at Barnsley College.

Elephant Learning Designs has employed 8 new Level 3 Apprentices that started this week too and this is the position that I was in last year and as part of my new role as a Level 4 I have to support them all year round.

As this was their first week it was important to make them feel comfortable from the start. To do so I helped the new apprentices by taking part in the level 3 induction and giving them a tour of Barnsley College. I also set up tasks for them to do to test their design skills using the Adobe creative suite mainly including Adobe Photoshop and Captivate.

As a Level 4 apprentice I hope to improve on my interpersonal skills, my animation skills and to manage the Level 3 apprentices as much as possible to help them progress.