Friday 4 September 2015

Week 1

This week was the start of the Level 4 Digital Learning Design Apprenticeship and I am looking forward to what is ahead. I am looking forward to making more e-learning content and making them more interactive and fun than the previous e-Learning packages that I have made.

This year I hope to learn more about animations and how they can be made, because by adding them to the e-learning packages it adds more depth and especially more eye catching to the students at Barnsley College.

Elephant Learning Designs has employed 8 new Level 3 Apprentices that started this week too and this is the position that I was in last year and as part of my new role as a Level 4 I have to support them all year round.

As this was their first week it was important to make them feel comfortable from the start. To do so I helped the new apprentices by taking part in the level 3 induction and giving them a tour of Barnsley College. I also set up tasks for them to do to test their design skills using the Adobe creative suite mainly including Adobe Photoshop and Captivate.

As a Level 4 apprentice I hope to improve on my interpersonal skills, my animation skills and to manage the Level 3 apprentices as much as possible to help them progress.

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